The Design Awards Committee provides a platform to showcase excellence in design that is produced by AIA Austin architects and selected by a panel of distinguished jurors. The committee organizes … Continued
AIA Austin study groups meet at the AIA Austin building on Tuesdays from 6pm – 7pm to study for the ARE 5.0 exams. You can get more information by joining … Continued
Join BEC: Austin for their monthly meeting featuring a presentation and lunch. BEC: Austin is an interdisciplinary organization that promotes the exchange of information on building enclosures and related science specific … Continued
CRAN Tours sell out within 24 hours, usually to first-round recipients of the CRAN Email List. JOIN HERE>> Ticketholders will receive address information upon successful ticket registration. AIA Austin cannot reveal the address of homes on the tours, or sell tickets outside of the email release. Tickets are FCFS and non-refundable.
AIA Austin study groups meet at the AIA Austin building on Tuesdays from 6pm – 7pm to study for the ARE 5.0 exams. You can get more information by joining … Continued
DesignVoice facilitates opportunities for design professionals to serve their community through collaborative design focused events and informational programs. We invite anyone who has an interest in being a voice for the design profession in support of our local community to attend the monthly meetings. DesignVoice is a forum in which new projects or efforts are … Continued
AIA Austin study groups meet at the AIA Austin building on Tuesdays from 6pm – 7pm to study for the ARE 5.0 exams. You can get more information by joining … Continued
Join the Women in Architecture group for their monthly meetings on the third Friday of each month. All meetings will be virtual via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Sign up for our mailing list here to receive the Zoom invite! Learn more about WiA >>> 2025 Chair: Alexandra Chaves, Assoc. AIA 2025 Chair-Elect: Danielle Smith, AIA AIA Austin staff liaison: Julia Brown
Location: Zoom meeting info will be sent to the email list. Sign up below. The Architecture: K-12 committee invites the community to explore, create and learn about the practice and … Continued
The AIA Austin Commercial Architecture Committee is committed to celebrate and expand awareness of commercial architecture and its role in shaping Austin’s identity, economy, and urban landscape. We typically meet … Continued
AIA Austin study groups meet at the AIA Austin building on Tuesdays from 6pm – 7pm to study for the ARE 5.0 exams. You can get more information by joining the AIA Austin ARE Study Group Slack channel. Please email the AIA Austin ARE Study Group Coordinator, Zach Billings, at and we’ll do our best to help set … Continued
AIA Austin study groups meet at the AIA Austin building on Tuesdays from 6pm – 7pm to study for the ARE 5.0 exams. You can get more information by joining the AIA Austin ARE Study Group Slack channel. Please email the AIA Austin ARE Study Group Coordinator, Zach Billings, at and we’ll do our best to help set … Continued
Join BEC: Austin for their monthly meeting featuring a presentation and lunch. BEC: Austin is an interdisciplinary organization that promotes the exchange of information on building enclosures and related science specific … Continued
CRAN Tours sell out within 24 hours, usually to first-round recipients of the CRAN Email List. JOIN HERE>> Ticketholders will receive address information upon successful ticket registration. AIA Austin cannot reveal the address of homes on the tours, or sell tickets outside of the email release. Tickets are FCFS and non-refundable.