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Featured Featured Event Series DesignVoice Meeting

DesignVoice Meeting


DesignVoice facilitates opportunities for design professionals to serve their community through collaborative design focused events and informational programs. We invite anyone who has an interest in being a voice for the design profession in support of our local community to attend the monthly meetings. DesignVoice is a forum in which new projects or efforts are … Continued

Event Series ARE 5.0 Study Group

ARE 5.0 Study Group

AIA Austin 801 W 12th St, Austin

AIA Austin study groups meet at the AIA Austin building on Tuesdays from 6pm – 7pm to study for the ARE 5.0 exams. You can get more information by joining the AIA Austin ARE Study Group Slack channel. Please email the AIA Austin ARE Study Group Coordinator, Zach Billings, at and we’ll do our best to help set … Continued

Featured Featured Event Series LGBTQIA+ Alliance Meeting

LGBTQIA+ Alliance Meeting

Cosmic Saltillo 1300 E 4th St, Austin

We are gathering at a different location this month, Cosmic Saltillo, 1300 E 4th St, Austin, TX 78702. We'll make our own zines while we talk through upcoming events and planning needs. Hope to see you there! March Meeting Agenda: 6:00 pm - grab a drink and gossip about the week 6:15 pm - committee … Continued